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#106 : Renaissance et Omission

Conduisant tard un soir après un rendez-vous médical, Zoe heurte accidentellement un homme. Quand elle sort de sa voiture, elle ne trouve aucune trace de lui. Un peu plus tard, elle voit la photo de ce même homme au Rammer Jammer : George lui apprend que celui-ci est mort un an plus tôt.


4.86 - 7 votes

Titre VO
The Undead & The Unsaid

Titre VF
Renaissance et Omission

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Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Lavon (Cress Williams)

Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Lavon (Cress Williams)

Lemon Breeland (Jaime King)

Lemon Breeland (Jaime King)

Wade (Wilson Bethel) & Zoe (Rachel Bilson)

Wade (Wilson Bethel) & Zoe (Rachel Bilson)

Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson)

Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson)

Wade (Wilson Bethel) & Zoe (Rachel Bilson)

Wade (Wilson Bethel) & Zoe (Rachel Bilson)

Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson)

Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson)

Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson)

Zoe Hart (Rachel Bilson)

Wade (Wilson Bethel), Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Lavon (Cress Williams)

Wade (Wilson Bethel), Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Lavon (Cress Williams)

Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Rose (McKaley Miller)

Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Rose (McKaley Miller)

Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Rose (McKaley Miller)

Zoe (Rachel Bilson) & Rose (McKaley Miller)

Lemon (Jaime King) & Zoe (Rachel Bilson)

Lemon (Jaime King) & Zoe (Rachel Bilson)

Magnolia (Claudia Lee) & Brick (Tim Matheson)

Magnolia (Claudia Lee) & Brick (Tim Matheson)

Brick Breeland (Tim Matheson)

Brick Breeland (Tim Matheson)

Brick (Tim Matheson) & Lemon (Jaime King)

Brick (Tim Matheson) & Lemon (Jaime King)

Brick (Tim Matheson), Lemon (Jaime King) & Magnolia (Claudia Lee)

Brick (Tim Matheson), Lemon (Jaime King) & Magnolia (Claudia Lee)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 07.11.2011 à 21:00
1.45m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par: Donald Todd
Réalisé par: Tom Amandes

Guests :
JoBeth Williams ... Candice Hart
McKaley Miller ... Rose Hattenbarger
Eisa Davis ... Addy Picket
Sean Bridgers ... Leon Mercy
Claudia Lee ... Magnolia Breeland
Portia ... Laurette Nevis
Deborah S. Craig ... Shelley Ng
John Eric Bentley ... Bill
Drew Koles ... Frederick Dean

Le copain de Levon (Georges) est assis dans son salon quand Brick arrive. Il est de retour de son match de football américain. Ils discutent de la défaite de l’équipe de l’Alabama. Mais la venue de Georges n’est pas la vraie. Il est ici car il veut lui parler. Il raconte à Brick l’incident qu’il y a eu avec Magnolia lorsqu’elle est rentrée de la soirée, le coma éthylique qu’elle a subie. Cependant, quand Georges explique que c’est Zoé qui l’a soignée, il se met en colère car il trouve que ce n’est pas logique que ce soit elle qui l’ai fait. Il dit également que Lemon n’aurait pas du lui confier. Cependant Georges dit que ce n’est pas de la faute de Lemon car ce n’est pas a elle de s’occuper de Magnolia, puisque ce n’est pas sa mère. Mais qu’elle a été contrainte de le faire puisque sa mère avait disparue. Il dit a brick que se n’est pas le rôle d’une sœur et qu’elle ne doit pas le faire seule. Il est donc nécessaire que son père le fasse aussi. Il lui expose le fait que sa femme a disparu depuis des années et qu’il fait comme si elle allait réapparaître de nouveau. On apprend également que la mère de Lemon est morte depuis 12 ans. Qu’elle s’appelle Alice. Brick nous parle d’elle avant qu’elle depuis qu’elle est partie. 
Zoé se retrouve avec Wade et Léon. Elle est dans une sorte de camp car elle veut le soigner. Elle lui demande q’il n’avait pas simuler sa mort avant qu’il ne revienne chez elle. Zoé parle a Léon et il lui dit demande comment les gens parlent de lui en ville. Elle dit qu’ils disent que c’est un héros. Quand a lui, il pense que les gens disent de lui que c’est un raté 
Il raconte comment il est devenu un héro. On apprend donc qu’il rentrait tard chez lui quand il a sauvé des personnes de l’incendie. Il ne se souvient pas très bien si c’était un incendie ou simplement un cambriolage. Wade l’écoute pendant use Zoé le soigne. Il dit également qu’il est parti car il ne voulait pas que son fils ainsi que les autres membres de la communauté le prenne pour un héros. Il ne voulait pas, si l’on puis dire, que son fils le voie rentrer un jour à la maison avec un complètement ivre et violent. Son fils ne sait pas qu’il existe, ce que Zoé lui dit mais lui dit qu’il a agit de cette façon pour son fils. Zoé retourne chez elle et y retrouve sa mère. Elle est surprise de revoir sa fille qui lui dit qu’elle veut parler avec elle. Sa mère et elle parlent au sujet du mensonge que sa mère a inventé pour qu’elle ne sache pas qui « tait son père. De retour chez Magnolia et sa sœur. Elles se disputent à l’idée que Magnolia sorte de la maison pour aller à une fête. Mais son père arrive et lui dit que sa fille est punie pendant 1 mois. Elle se dispute avec lui et elle monte dans sa chambre. Lemon et son père s’explique et il la remercie de tout le travail qu’elle a fait avec sa mère. Zoé parle avec Léon et il lui explique qu’il a voulu disparaître dans cette ville pour ester auprès de sa famille. Zoé lui dit qu'il a changé puisqu'il ne boit plus d’alcool et qu’il a arrêté de jouer. Elle lui dit aussi de retourner voir sa famille car tout le monde peut changer et que lui aussi a changer. Que sa famille peut lui pardonner. Le maire arrive dans un bar et se retrouve par hasard tout près de Georges, ils échangent un regard. Georges lui dit que Lemon et lui n’ont plus besoin de la maison (celle de la femme qui fumait mais qui est morte) étonné ; le maire lui demande s’il y a des problèmes avec Lemon mais celui-ci lui dit que non. Il s’excuse de l’avoir forcé à la lui donner, mais le maire fait l’hypocrite et lui dit que ce n’est pas grave. Il répond seulement que c’est à cause de sa sensibilité pour le patrimoine alors que ce n’est pas le cas. Ils se réconcilient donc et boivent un verre ensemble… 

Zoé va au bar pour prendre un verre. C’est Wade qui va la servir. Zoé voit la photo de Léon et demande pourquoi elle n’est plus accrochée. Wade lui dit qu’il n’est plus mort. Zoé ne comprend pas tout de suite, mais Wade continue en disant que Léon s’est présentée en ville cet après midi. Pour ne pas paraître fou, il a expliquée la mise en scène en scène de sa mort pour que tout le monde n’ait pas peur. Zoé remercie ensuite Wade de l’avoir aidée pour Léon et d’être restée auprès de lui ainsi que de l’avoir sauvé. Pendant que Zoé se retourne, il lui met une main aux fesses et fait semblant de rien. Elle se retourne brusquement et lui demande pourquoi il a fait ça. Et lui dit que c’était surement un fantôme… 
Zoé est de retour chez elle et se met au lit.

Ecrit par Crowen16

At the Rammer Jammer.

Wade: Hey, doc, meant to thank you for blowing out the electricity at my place last night. It's good to practice living off the grid in case of a war with the zombies or whatnot. Look, you can eat here and drink here, but if you sleep here I'm going to have to charge you hotel tax.

Zoe: I'm sorry. I haven't been sleeping lately. I've been lying in bed at night just listening to my mosquitoes die in my new bug zapper.

Wade: Well, listen, maybe you're just not tired enough at night. If you want to work out a little, or whatever. No need to blow the power out. I'll just come by.

Zoe: Great. The mosquitoes will show you where to go.

At the practice.

Brick: Okay, now we are all set for my trip just as soon as I deliver this baby. Women… I never understand, why do they insist on having babies during the football season?

Magnolia: Daddy.

Brick: Hey, Magnolia honey. Have you come to see me before I take off on the football trip?

Magnolia: Yes. Plus I wanted to show you the new dress I bought. Isn't it cute?

Brick: Well, yes, that is, uh... Cute, yeah. Did your sister see that?

Lemon: I knew it. Always running off to daddy when you don't get your way.

Magnolia: He said my dress was cute.

Lemon: Daddy, this dress shows places that only God should see. It's like something that Zoe Hart would wear.

Zoe: Hey!

Lemon: Magnolia said that she would march right back to the store and go return it, but now she's just traipsing around in it so they won't take it back.

Magnolia: Just because I want to dress like I live in 2011, and not 1950...

Brick: Stop, stop. Stop, now, stop. Look, I have to get on the road. So just... Whatever your sister says is fine.

Magnolia: Oh, my God, you're ruining my life.

Brick: Hey...

Lemon: Daddy!

Brick: What?

Lemon: Thank you.

Brick: What? I... I backed her up.

Addy: Don't look at me, I got boys. By the time they've thought up a lie, they've forgotten what they were lying about.

In Zoe’s office.

Addy: You need to stop ignoring your mom.

Zoe: I'm not.

Addy: I just saw your phone : It said "mom."

Zoe: You were reading it upside down. I was ignoring my Chinese friend Wow.

Addy: You haven't talked to her since she left Bluebell. And she's not giving up, you know. Zoe: She is calling you twice a day now. Yeah, well, I'm not talking to her twice a day. I'm keeping up.

Addy: You said you're not sleeping.

Zoe: So?

Zoe: Troubled sleep means a troubled mind. And you won't quiet yours until you can forgive her.

Zoe: Forgive her, Addy? She lied to me about who my father was. She just wants to feel better. I don't feel better, why should she?

Addy: Because you won't get any peace until you face what's bothering you.

Zoe: I know what's bothering me… A crazy nurse who won't leave me alone.

Brick: Well, I just talked to the Colyer woman again. Her contractions are still seven minutes apart. Now, where's the oxytocin?

Zoe: Whoa, why are you inducing labour?

Brick: Well, because when I said I'd cover the pregnancy for Dr. Troy over in Bristol, he promised me I would not miss the Alabama-Florida football game.

Zoe: You're going to induce labour just so you can make a football game? No.

Brick: She's past due. I'm practically doing the woman a favour.

Zoe: All right, fine, I'll take the birth when it's time. I'm not sleeping much anyway. I might as well.

Brick: I don't want to put you out.

Zoe: Don't pretend like this wasn't your plan. Where's the address?

Brick: I have it right here. Uh, you know, this does not go on your patient count, 'cause we're covering for Dr. Troy.

Zoe: You're welcome.

In Lavon’s kitchen.

Zoe: Lavon. Hi. Two things. One, please replace the fuse box. Wade thinks my blowing the power is some sort of mating call. Two, I need a ride.

Lavon: Fuse box… Yes, ride… No. I have a prior commitment.

Zoe: Lavon, no, a woman's having a baby.

Lavon: So drive yourself. Go on, take the hybrid.

Zoe: But you always give me rides.

Lavon: I can't just keep you company every time you need to make a house call, now. This ain't "Driving Miss Zoe." I have important mayoral business to conduct.

Wade: Hey oh, big man, you got the tv warmed up? Hey, doc. Want to join us for the ladies' beach volleyball championships?

Lavon: Fine. Take the navigator. Just don't change the radio stations.

Wade: You even know how to drive?

Zoe: I've had my license since I was 16.

Wade: Have you driven since then?

Zoe: The principles haven't changed. It's not a flying car.

At Lemon’s house.

Lemon: She knows she's supposed to call me and tell me where she is. It just frazzles me to my last stitch, it really does. Magnolia has daddy wrapped around her little finger, and just makes me the bad guy all the time.

George: No. You're her big sister, she worships you.

Lemon: Not anymore. All I do is yell at her now, and we used to have such fun. You know, we used to play house, and I'd be the mama... I'd dress her up in all the clothes I outgrew. She was like my little walk-around doll.

George: Yeah, you might be getting some payback for that right now.

Lemon: Okay, enough about me. How was your day?

George: Well...

Lemon: Oh! Did you hear that Marvella Pinckney died? Isn't that so exciting?

George: Did you have today in a pool, or something?

Lemon: No. I mean, of course, I'm not happy that she died… Poor thing, bless her heart… But it does mean that her house is available, and I have wanted to live in that house since I was a tiny girl. And seeing as you and I are looking for a house, now we can get it, thanks to Marvella Pinckney.

George: And her filterless cigarettes.

Lemon: Poor thing.

George: Bless her heart.

On the road.

Voice: You've reached Dr. Breeland. Leave a message and I'll get back to you.

Zoe: Good morning, Brick. I just wanted to leave a message to say that Mrs. Colyer has a healthy baby boy. Took most of the night. And towards the end she said, "thank you for not inducing my labour before I was ready, just so you could watch a football game." Okay, she didn't say that, but she was thinking it. Have fun.

GPS: Prepare to turn right.

Zoe: Into a tree? Go away.

A man is walking on the road. Zoe stops the car, she gets off of the car.

Zoe: Hello? Hello? Anybody there? Are you hurt? If you're hurt, make a noise. I'm a doctor. Dr. Zoe Hart. I'm from Bluebell. No, I'm not from Bluebell, I'm from New York. I'm only in Bluebell... Oh, my God, it's not important. Hello? Hello?

At the Rammer Jammer.

Zoe: Shelley! Oh, my God!

Shelley: You're up early.

Zoe: I've been up all night.

Shelley: Doing what?

Zoe: Looking for a man.

Shelley: Might want to try a little extra makeup next time.

George: Morning, Shelley. Hey, Zoe. You're up early.

Zoe: George, I'm totally freaking out. I ran over a man with my car.

George: Wait, what?

Shelley: When'd you get a car?

Zoe: It's Lavon's car. Oh, my God. How is that important?

George: Okay, you know what, just calm down. When and where?

Zoe: A couple hours ago. In Settler's Woods.

George: Okay, Zoe, Zoe...

Zoe: Huh?

George: You probably just hit a deer.

Shelley: Mm-hmm.

George: Okay, there are a lot of deer in those woods.

Shelley: Yep.

Zoe: Are they the kind with man heads? Because then that would explain it.

George: Okay, what'd he look like?

Zoe: I only saw him for a second. But his face is burned into my brain. He kind of looked like… Like... He, he...

George: Like what?

Zoe: Him.

Shelley: It looked like him?

Zoe: It is him. That's the guy.

George: That… That's Leon Mercy.

Zoe: Okay, and?

George: And he's been dead for over a year.

At the practice.

Zoe: So, anyway, it turns out Leon Mercy's some kind of local town hero or something.

Addy: Was, yes. Saved the whole Rivenbark family, including an out-of-town cousin from their burning house one night. And then three months later, he was dead himself.

Zoe: Except that he's not, because I saw him last night.

Addy: Except he is, 'cause I was at the funeral. His poor wife standing there with their baby boy.

Zoe: What are you saying, I ran down a ghost?

Addy: No, you're saying you ran down a ghost, and you need to stop saying it if you want to get some patients in this town.

Bill: Morning. Hey, hon. Hey.

Zoe: Sheriff Bill, did you find anyone?

Bill: Wait, hold up. That's the call you got that took you out the house this morning before you even had your pancakes?

Bill: I searched Settler's woods where you said it happened. But didn't see a thing.

Addy: Because you imagined the man.

Bill: Most likely it was a deer.

Addy: Or a raccoon.

Bill: Black bear.

Addy: Coyote.

Bill: Bobcat, maybe even a cougar.

Zoe: Good God, where do I live?

Addy: I don't think the mayor's going to be happy about the damage you did to his headlight.

Zoe: I don't think Leon Mercy's going to be too wild about it either. It's not even 10:00 A.M., I already got two people mad at me.

Addy: Two is a better start than most days.

Bill: Leon Mercy? You got me out of bed to hunt around the woods for a dead guy? On pancake day? Goodness gracious. I could have had breakfast.

Addy: That's three. You're catching up.

At Lavon’s office.

George: Hey, Lavon. Hey, did I catch you at a bad time?

Lavon: Uh, no, no. Come on in.

George: Great.

Lavon: Go on, sit down. So, uh, what's been going on?

George: Not much. Did you hear Marvella Pinckney died?

Lavon: Go Yeah I did, I did. Very sad.

George: Well, it... It is. But as it turns out, I have been asking Babs Foster if she would help Lemon and me find a house for after we're married.

Lavon: Mm-hmm.

George: It seems that Lemon has always had this dream of living in the Pinckney house.

Lavon: Yeah.

George: Oh. You knew?

Lavon: No. No, I was just listening.

George: Okay, well, now Babs tells me that the Pinckney house is registered as a Bluebell historic property. The only way it can be sold is with approval from the town.

Lavon: Uh, it's not that easy. You know, there are procedures and-and committees, a whole process to it.

George: But it's not an act of congress, right? It's Bluebell.

Lavon: Yeah, it is. And I'm gonna say no.

George: No?

Lavon: I get, like, 50 requests a day… "do me this, do me that." Other people in this town want things, too.

George: I just thought you might help me out.

Lavon: Move you to the front of the line.

George: I guess so.

Lavon: And why would I do that?

George: As a favour? 'Cause I'm asking?

Lavon: But you didn't ask. You just said what you wanted.

George: Okay, well, now I'm asking.

Lavon: And I remain disinclined. Look, I know you're used to getting what you want, now...

George: Okay, I don't know where all this is coming from, Lavon, but you do know that there are plenty other ways I can go about doing this, right?

Lavon: I think you should get to them.

George: I'll challenge the statute in court.

Lavon: Oh, I love a challenge.

George: Then I'll see you there.

Lavon: I'll circle it on my calendar.

In Zoe’s office.

Rose: How did this happen? I thought I had his attention. Boys are impossible to decipher. So, can I borrow an outfit?

Zoe: What? Outfit?

Rose: For the party. At the lake. I knew you weren't listening.

Zoe: No, I'm sorry. I was listening. I'm just a little tired. Got a little lost. There's a party at the lake, and Frederick Dean is gonna be there...

Rose: And even though he's always talking to me now about comic books, he still hasn't officially asked me out. Magnolia's still after him. You want to know something? She is just toying with him, like a cat with a ball of yarn.

Addy: Dr. Hart, patient is asking for you.

Zoe: Are you serious?

Addy: Uh-huh.

Zoe: Right. Rose, my closet is your closet. Good luck tonight, my friend.

In consult room.

Zoe: Hi. I'm Dr. Zoe Hart. Nice to meet you.

Laurette: Laurette Nevis. How do you do?

Zoe: Fine. Did someone refer you to me?

Laurette: No. I heard people talking about what you saw in Settler's woods.

Zoe: I see.

Laurette: So I came here to tell you that there is a rational explanation for what you saw.

Zoe: Yes. I knew there was. What is it?

Laurette: The restless ghost of Leon Mercy is asking you for help.

Zoe: Okay. Well, thank you for com...

Laurette: Look. Most people are too closed off to admit the presence of spirits, but they are all around us here. The woods that drew you into them are filled with the wandering dead.

Zoe: They did not draw me in.

Laurette: No?

Zoe: It was Lavon's GPS.

Laurette: And how are you sleeping?

Zoe: Good. Very well, actually.

Laurette: The spirit of Leon Mercy came to you for help, Can I... just... Because you... also have something restless in you. You, Zoe Hart, are a receiver.

Zoe: No. Okay, I am not a receiver. I'm from New York. New Yorkers are not receivers. Most of them don't even get satellite.

Laurette: Let him in, face him, or you both will remain trapped between worlds.

At Zoe’s house. She hears the wind and can’t sleep.

Zoe: Who? An educated doctor who isn't scared of ghosts. That's who. I'm really not.

She hears music.

Zoe: Wade?

She turns on all her electric items to trip the fuse box.

Wade: Damn it, Zoe!

Wade enters into her house.

Wade: Hey. What the hell?

Zoe: I am so, so sorry. It must be the new bug zapper. I totally forgot.

Wade: What are you even doing up at this hour?

Zoe: I'm not sleepy.

Wade: Yeah, well, I don't care. Go to bed.

Zoe: No, wait, wait! Since we're both up, you want to hang out? Have some tea or something?

Wade: Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I'll... I'll have some "tea."

Zoe: Oh, no! Whoa, no. No, no. Never mind. Bad idea. I'm sleepy. Exhausted. Go away.

Wade: You are a certified crazy person, you know that? Now, historically I've found that hot, but in your case, I think I'm cured. Unbelievable!

Zoe: He's right. This is nuts. Ghosts? Oh, my God.

Zoe screams.

Wade: What?! What is it?! What?!

Zoe: Leon Mercy!

Wade: Leon Mercy?

Zoe: Yeah, look.

Wade: Leon Mercy, huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's, like, ten Leon Mercys out here. Okay, no ghosts, no Leon Mercy, nothing. Thank you. Good night.

Zoe: Wait. I'm sorry. Maybe I am nuts. Whew. Will you just stay till morning?

Wade: All right.

Zoe: Wait. Not there. Couch. Geez.

Wade: Huh. Good night.

Zoe: Wait.

Wade lays on the couch.

Wade: Blanket?

Zoe tries to wake up Wade.

Zoe: Wade. Wade. Wade.

Wade: Huh?

Zoe: I couldn't sleep. Because there are no ghosts. I know that. I'm a woman of science, for God's sake. So I did some research, and I found Leon Mercy's obituary. Look. Leon drowned in the Gulf while he was fishing. They found his boat and they searched forever until they declared him dead, but no body was ever found. Why? I'll tell you why. Because he never died. Maybe he bumped his head and he's walking around, he doesn't know who he is or where he is. I have to go find him.

Wade: So you didn't wake me up for sex?

Zoe: Jerk! No, the point is, I didn't imagine anything.

Someone knocks on the door.

Zoe: Rose?

Rose: Zoe, I'm sorry it's late, but Magnolia's passed out drunk in the car and we can't wake her up.

Zoe: Who drove you here?

Rose: Jacob Coburn… He's a junior and president of the sobriety club.

Zoe: Wait, there were juniors at this party?

Rose: I would have left, but I can't leave Frederick with Magnolia. The kissing games turned into drinking games.

Zoe: What were you thinking?

Wade: Hey, what's going on? You need my help?

Rose: What was I thinking?

Zoe: We'll talk later. Come on, let's get her out of the car.

Wade: Okay, all right, move over, stick man, take this.

Zoe: What happened?

Frederick Dean: She was drinking a lot, I guess, like, a lot. Fruit punch and vodka.

Wade: Hey, where's he going?! Oh, come on!

Zoe: Airway is clear, but her breathing is very shallow. Wade, go get your car. We have to bring her to my office immediately.

Wade: Hey, give me the flashlight. Let's go!

Rose: What do you think's wrong?

Zoe: Could be alcohol poisoning.

Frederick Dean: Is that bad?

Zoe: Is poisoning bad? Yeah, it's bad.

Rose: She'll be okay, right?

Zoe: Rose, she could've choked on her own vomit, gone into cardiac arrest, she could've died. Now get your phone, I need to notify her father.

Frederick Dean: You said she wouldn't tell anyone. You promised.

Rose: Zoe, you can't call her dad. I told everyone you were the cool doctor. Please.

Zoe: Rose, she's a minor. Brick is out of town.

Rose: That's good, that's good. You don't have to call.

Zoe: Believe it or not, there's someone that Magnolia and I both would like to call even less than Brick.

Lemon enters into the practice.

Lemon: How is she?

Zoe: She's going to be fine. She's resting. She's responsive, so you can take her home.

Lemon: Well... Thank you.

Zoe: No problem. You know, teenagers… They're hard. My mom had to raise me on her own when I was that age, and, oh, boy...

Lemon: I said... I thank you. Your medical help is appreciated, but your family counselling is not.

Zoe and Wade go back to their home.

Zoe: What are you doing? Look, thanks for staying last night, but even if I was afraid, it's morning, and I'm not.

Wade: You know, I'm no Dr. Phil or whatever, but in my experience, when I'm having trouble sleeping, it...

Zoe: Wait, let me guess. It's because you have something unresolved in your life that you're not dealing with.

Wade: No, it's 'cause I need to get laid.

Zoe: Well, thank you for the expert psychological insight.

Wade: No problem.

Zoe: You may go. Your services are no longer needed.

Wade: My services haven't even been used, doc. Your loss.

Zoe enters in her house she screams.

Zoe: Mom?

Candice: Hello, dear.

Wade: What?! What is it this time?

Zoe: You see her, too, right? Mom, what are you doing?

Candice: I hope I'm not interrupting something.

Zoe: What? No.

Wade: Oh, well, howdy, ma'am. I'm Wade. Must say I didn't expect to meet Zoe's mother so soon into our relationship.

Zoe: Oh, my God. Gross. Shut up. Go fix the fuse box.

Wade: It's a roller coaster ride, but I don't want it to stop. Hey, anyway, good to meet you. Bye.

Zoe: Oh!

Candice: He seems... Nice. Very homegrown. I brought you a present. It's a sound machine. Very soothing. Your nurse, uh, Addy, said that you weren't sleeping.

Zoe: Why would you show up like this?

Candice: What choice did I have? You won't return my calls.

Zoe: Because I don't want to talk to you.

Candice: I just took two planes, sat in a bus station in a town I think was called Hickory Butt, but that could have been the driver's accent, then I got a ride to your place with a trucker who knows an amazing amount about packing and shipping crawfish, so you will talk to me.

Zoe: Actually, I won't. I have a patient who needs my help. There's a man running around out there who may be hurt and confused.

Candice: Your own mother is hurt and confused.

Zoe: Oh, stop it. This man has a wife and a child who, unlike me, still has a father, so I am going to go help him.

Candice: Look, I get it… You're mad. You've been mad at me before, and I've always just hung in until you came around. So... Come around.

Zoe: What do you need, mother? What do you need? Because that's what it's always about. You need me to forgive you?

Candice: Yes.

Zoe: Fine. I forgive you.

Candice: But you don't really mean it.

Zoe: No, it's a lie. Because that's what we do for each other… Lie. That's the lesson I learned from the one person I'm supposed to trust. So you want me to forgive you for the big lie that has defined my life? Sure. I forgive you. Got to go.

Magnolia watches the TV in her home.

Lemon: I take it that you're not feeling well enough for church today… Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Magnolia: We're out of cereal.

Lemon: Give me that. You could have died last night. You scared me half to death. You exposed our family business to that Dr. Hart. What has gotten into you lately?

Magnolia: Nothing.

Lemon: What do you think that daddy is going to say when he hears about your latest escapade?

Magnolia: He'll say, "Lemon, take care of it."

Lemon: Well... Okay. Then why? Why would you put me through this?

Magnolia: Because... So what? You're not going to be able to tell me what to do anyway.

Lemon: What do you mean?

Magnolia: When you get married to George Tucker and move out, you're not even going to live here. You won't even know what I do, so stop pretending you care about me, because you don't!

At Lavon’s office.

Zoe: Lavon.

Lavon: I need to borrow your car. Oh, you mean my remaining car. See, because the last one you used is still off getting a new headlight.

Zoe: Yes. I need to save a man's life.

Lavon: What man?

Zoe: Leon Mercy.

Lavon: Well, if you have the power to raise the dead, I'm sure you can solve a mundane problem like transportation.

Zoe: That wasn't really a no.

At Lemon’s house.

George: Hey, baby. You, uh... You ready for church? Oh, and before you hear it from Babs, there... There is a tiny hitch in getting the Pinckney place, but I promise you, I will get it for you.

Lemon: What? George, how can you even think about buying a house right now? That is the single most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard.

George: I take it things have changed.

Lemon: Yes. Everything. I know why Magnolia's being such a holy terror, and it's because I'm leaving. All the wedding planning and the house hunting, and I never even gave a thought that to Magnolia, it must seem like I'm just abandoning her like mama did to us. And now she's just drinking and doing God knows what else right under my nose, and I never even saw it, and I'm just so horrible.

George: No, no, come on. You are not. You are not horrible. And she knows... Look, she knows you're not abandoning her. Okay, she's just a full-blown teenager now, and that... That's not a big sister job. Look, Brick's got to step up to the plate here. You got to talk to him.

Lemon: No, George. Daddy wouldn't have a single clue what to do. He depends on me to... To not be a problem.

Into the woods.

Zoe: Leon! Leon! It's Dr. Hart. Hello? Leon!

Zoe is trapped.

Zoe: No. Oh, my God. What are you doing here?

Wade: Well, Lavon said you stole his car, asked me to come out here and find you, knowing full well you'd get lost out here and die.

Zoe: Well, you both can laugh later. Can you just...

Wade: Shh!

Zoe: Did you just shush me? Don't shush me!

Wade: Shh.

Leon arrives.

Zoe: Leon, are you hurt? You look hurt.

Wade: Still pretty good for a guy who's been dead for a year.

Zoe: Your wound is bleeding. It could be infected. We need to get you to a hospital.

Leon: No.

Zoe: Yes.

Wade: Zoe, traditionally, in a yes-no situation, argument goes to the guy with the hatchet.

Zoe: He made it all the way to my place on that leg. He needs my help. He could be confused. There's people looking for you. Do you know that you have a wife and child?

Leon: Why the hell do you think I'm out here?

At Lemon’s house.

Brick: Hey, George.

George: Hey, Brick. Sorry to hear about the 'Bama loss.

Brick: Oh, wasn't even close. You know Florida whips our butts every time we go down there? Is Lemon inside?

George: Yeah, she's upstairs, but if you don't mind, give me a minute.

Brick: What?

George: We, uh... Well, we had an incident with Magnolia last night.

Brick: What?

George: She went to a party, and she passed out from alcohol poisoning.

Brick: Good lord. Magnolia?

George: Yeah.

Brick: Well, where... Where is she now?

George: She's upstairs, but she is fine, Brick. Zoe fixed her up.

Brick: Zoe Hart said it was alcohol poisoning? And Lemon took her word for it? What the hell kind of party did Lemon let her go to?

George: You know what? Just settle down for a second, Brick. 'Cause Zoe might have saved Magnolia's life last night, and Lemon, this is not her fault, because she is not Magnolia's mom. And she might have stepped up and parented her all these years because someone had to do it, but in my honest opinion, she shouldn't have to do it at all, and she definitely shouldn't have to do it alone.

Brick: You know, I don't think I appreciate you coming into my house and lecturing me on things that aren't your concern.

George: They became my concern the minute I got engaged to Lemon. And I am sorry, Brick, that your wife left you, but that happened 12 years ago, and you are still sitting here acting like she went to the corner store and she's going to be back any minute.

Brick: Well... You know, when Alice left, I was in this... Kind of a daze. I mean, she had done most of the real child raising, and then here I was… I was left with this two-year-old all on my own. Lemon… She was such a help. She was just so good. I did. I did. I... I just let it be.

George: Well, Brick, those girls need their dad. Both of them.

Into the woods.

Zoe: So you did come to my place last night. Well, seems that you don't have amnesia. So I take it you faked your own death. What did you mean when you said you did it for your wife and kid? All done.

Leon: No, you're not.

Zoe: Well, I am if you're not going to talk.

Leon: You have to fix me. You're a doctor.

Zoe: And you're dead. Who you going to tell?

Leon: What'd they say about me in town?

Zoe: That you're a hero.

Leon: They also say I was a screwup?

Zoe: How?

Leon: Name it. Was a gambler. Was a drinker. Was a loser. I was unreliable. Wade remembers, huh?

Wade: You could be a little wild, I recall.

Leon: I think the word is dangerous.

Wade: Yeah. Yeah. That, too, as I recall.

Leon: You know the night I saved those people from burning up? I was headed home from a poker game, so drunk I don't remember doing it. For all I know, I went into that house to rob it. I woke up, and overnight, I had gone from town screwup to local hero just like that. But I knew that I was the exact same person I was before that fire, even if they chose to ignore it.

Wade: So he went out on top.

Zoe: What do you mean, out on top?

Wade: He peaked. Went as high as he was gonna go. He knew it. Why sit around and watch it all go to hell?

Zoe: So you just walked away?

Leon: My baby would look at me like I was the greatest thing on earth. But I knew those same eyes were gonna see me coming home drunk and crazy or maybe even worse. So I took my boat out and I jumped overboard. And now and forever, his daddy is a hero.

Zoe: He doesn't even know he has a daddy. Believe me, he is not better off.

Leon: You don't have kids, do you?

Zoe: No.

Leon: Then you cannot possibly imagine the choices! Now, you might not understand why I did what I did, but I did what I thought was right for my child.

At Zoe’s house.

Zoe: Okay, you want to talk? Talk. Did you really think lying was doing the best thing for me?

Candice: Sometimes it is. I told you your cat died peacefully in his sleep. Did you want to hear the he fell from the windowsill and dropped ten floors?

Zoe: Mr. Mittens?

Candice: You make a judgment call. Is it always right? No. It's not science.

Zoe: And a father isn't a cat.

Candice: I wanted to tell you the truth. When your father found out… My ex-husband, I mean… The one who raised you...

Zoe: I know who you mean.

Candice: I planned to tell you, and then you would look up at me, those little eyes so trusting.

Zoe: You didn't think I could handle it?

Candice: I didn't think I could. You were the most important thing in the world to me, honey. You were all I had. If I could go back and undo it all, I would. It's too late for that. But not for us. You need your mother, sweetheart.

Zoe: You can't lie anymore.

Candice: I won't.

Zoe: Even if it hurts, I'm tough. I can take it. I'll always land on my feet.

Candice: So did Mr. Mittens. Fat lot of good it did him.

At Lemon’s house.

Lemon: You are not leaving this house tonight.

Magnolia: I want to see my friends. Am I not supposed to have any friends?

Lemon: No, not if they're the same friends that got you poison-drunk less than 24 hours ago!

Brick: And that is something we have yet to discuss, you and I. But we're gonna have plenty of time to talk about it because, Magnolia Breeland, you are grounded for one month.

Magnolia: Are you kidding? You can't ground me. Forget it.

Brick: You leave this house tonight, or any night in the next month, and I will have Sheriff Bill bring you home in his patrol car, running the siren, flashing the lights and saying your name on the speaker horn the whole way.

Magnolia: Oh, my God, you are ruining my life!

Lemon: Oh, my lord, you did that to me when I was 15.

Brick: And I only had to do it once. Oh, sweetheart... Thank you. You have done more than your share around here, and I'm gonna do more, too. More of what I should've been doing all along.

Lemon: Well, then I will be happy to have someone else ruin her life for a while.

Into the woods.

Leon: Well, I hope I don't have to relocate my trailer. If I get carolers this year, I'll know who to blame.

Zoe: How's the leg?

Leon: Better. It's good.

Zoe: You could have disappeared anywhere, but you stayed in Bluebell.

Leon: It's where I grew up.

Zoe: It's where your son's growing up. My dad, Harley, he kept tabs on me, too. He showed up at my graduation, he stood right in front of me, he talked to me. And he never told me he was my father.

Leon: Yeah, well, I told you why I can't do that.

Zoe: Yeah. I brought you some antibiotics. I was gonna tell you that you can't take them with alcohol, but then I noticed that you don't have any alcohol. I take it you're not gambling either. You've changed, Leon. People can change. Apparently, they can be forgiven, too. Go back, look them in the eye and tell them the truth. Be a dad.

At the Rammer Jammer.

Lavon: Thank you. About the other day...

George: Just to let you know, I...

Lavon: No, go ahead.

George: Lemon and I, we're not gonna be needing the Pinckney house just yet, so, no suing.

Lavon: Is everything on track for the wedding?

George: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Lavon: Oh, good. That's good.

George: So, anyway, when the, uh, when the time comes, I'll just go through the proper channels, and, uh... And I'm sorry about putting you in that position.

Lavon: Oh, no, no, I was... uh... Over-emphatic in protection of the past.

George: It's a really important house, so...

Lavon: Yeah. But the past is the past, right? Ain't no reason for it to sit there empty full of ghosts.

George: Good point. To the future?

Lavon: The future.

George: Yeah.

Wade: Hey.

Zoe: Shot of bourbon, please.

Wade: You sure, doc? I could mix you up a apple-tini or something.

Zoe: I've spent the past several hours with my mom. A shot of bourbon now.

Wade: Yeah.

Zoe: Why is Leon's picture off the wall of dead people?

Wade: Oh, well, he's not dead anymore. That's right. Came, uh... Walking back into town just today. Nearly scared the pee out of his wife.

Zoe: I can imagine.

Wade: I guess he, uh... Told her some crazy story about, uh... Faking his own death. I don't know. They seem to be talking, though. From what I hear, he hasn't put that boy of his down yet. Oh, big girl.

Zoe: Well, thanks for the drink. And for helping me with Leon. And staying over. And rescuing me.

Wade: It's no wonder I'm so tired.

Zoe: No wonder. Did you just smack my butt?

Wade: No. No, must've been a ghost.

Zoe is trying to sleep.

Zoe: Great. Now I have to pee.

Kikavu ?

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ptitebones, 03.05.2024 à 23:59

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